Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What are the sources?

Natural sources

• contaminated foods (especially seafoods)

• groundwater (which is used as drinking water)

• Volcanic action

• low-temperature volatilization.

• Organic arsenic compounds such as arsenobetaine, arsenocholine, tetramethylarsonium salts, arsenosugars and arsenic-containing lipids are mainly found in marine organisms although some of these compounds have also been found in terrestrial species

• Natural low-temperature biomethylation

• reduction to arsines releases arsenic into the atmosphere

Man-made sources

• medications

• ore smelting/refining/processing plants, galvanizing, etching and plating processes

• burning of fossil fuels especially in coal-fired power generation plants

• Tailings from or river bottoms near gold mining areas (past or present)

• Agricultural chemicals: Insecticides, rodenticides and fungicides

• Commercial arsenic products which include: sodium arsenite, calcium arsenate, and lead arsenate.

• "Paris green" (cupric acetoarsenite) a wood preservative.

• Burning of vegetation

A global phenomena

Bangladesh is not the only country with arsenic pollution of the groundwater, but pollution is exceptionally widespread around the world.

Many other countries and districts in South East Asia, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and China have geological environments conducive to generation of high-arsenic groundwater.

Footage of people suffering due to arsenic poisoning in bangledesh

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Portable X-ray Fluorescence

Portable X-ray Fluorescence

Portable X-ray fluorescence has recently been accepted as a field technique to measure arsenic in dry solid samples, such as soil and dried sludge. The main interferents listed in this method were variations in particle size, moisture, and lead co-contamination.

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic "secondary" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the investigation of metals, glass, ceramics and building materials, and for research in geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology.

  • Measuring devices are normally portable

  • Detection is only accurate at gram per liter concentrations, which is not suitable for determining low arsenic concentrations typical in drinking water.

Colorimetric Test Kits

Colorimetric Test Kits

Field kits have been used extensively to test for arsenic in groundwater, and in many cases, it is the only assay applied. The current baseline methodology involves a variety of technologies that are all variations of the “Gutzeit” method, developed over 100 years ago. These assays have been applied almost exclusively to water samples, although they may be applied to testing solid waste and soil, using either an acidic extraction or an acidic oxidation digestion of the sample.

The “Gutzeit” method procedures:

1. treat the water sample with a reducing agent that transforms the arsenic compounds present in the water into arsenic trihydride (arsine gas).

2. Arsenic is separated from the sample

3. The arsenic trihydride diffuses out of the sample where it is exposed to a paper impregnated with mercuric bromide.

4. The reaction with the paper produces a highly colored compound.

5. The concentration of the arsenic can be approximated using a calibrated color scale.

  •  inexpensive
  • minimally trained personnel can readily perform it and read the results in the field.

  • sulfur, selenium, and tellurium compounds have the potential of interfering with this assay.


The Wagtech Arsenator® system

A quick and portable device avaible in the market to detect concentration of arsenic.

The complete system comes with sufficient reagents and consumables for over 400 tests.

• Low cost digital arsenic testing device

• Fully portable, designed specially for field use

• Immediate results in the field in less than 20 minutes

• Simple, safe and easy to operate

• Gives accurate test results between the critical range of 2µgl (ppb) to 100µgl (ppb)

• Designed in conjunction with Prof. Walter Kosmus and laboratory tested by Imperial College London

• Field tested in conjunction with UNICEF/WHO WAT/SAN monitoring programmes

• Environmentally friendly

Using Bacteria and Plants for Arsenic Detection

Have you all imagine bacteria and plants been used for arsenic detection?Let's take a look at this innovative bio-technology that have been developed.

There is no justification for using biological monitoring where direct physical and chemical methods can achieve comparable results both as quickly and as cheaply. The decision of whether biological monitoring is appropriate or not must depend on the specific aims of, and the resources available for, the particular investigation.

The strengths of biological monitoring lie primarily in the close stimulation of biomonitors with the biological systems under study. Often the biomonitor will be part of that biological system.

Some of the criteria for selecting good biological monitoring species include:

-the organism must be capable of accumulating metals in measurable amounts.

-the organism, or relevant parts of it, must be readily available both in terms of quantity and distribution so that unbiased sampling is possible.

-it should be available throughout the year, or for the whole period of study, with relative ease of collection.

-The organism should show a differential uptake/accumulation which is related to exposure thus allowing either: (a) relative pollution levels to be determined, or (b) the establishment of a more quantitative relationship to deposition rate or air concentrations.

-for assessing airborne contamination, the organism should not be subject to substantial uptake or ingestion of metals from other sources.

-repeatability is essential

-cost of collection and analysis should be acceptable


All cell-based organisms have intricate mechanisms for detoxifying arsenic compounds that involve a wide variety of proteins that chemically modify, transport and extrude the arsenic from the cell. The biological synthesis and activation of these proteins is regulated by the presence of arsenic, often through specific genetic mechanisms. In one commonly employed mechanism, activation of the genes that encode the proteins for arsenic resistance depends on the reversible binding of a regulatory protein to a Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) control sequence associated with that gene. When the regulator is bound to the analyte it can switch the gene on to synthesize the required proteins to activate the arsenic detoxification system. Understanding the identity, specificity, and sensitivity of the genetic elements and their corresponding regulatory proteins is key to technologies employing biosensors. When creating an arsenic biosensor, the arsenic-responsive DNA control sequences are linked to an additional gene. This gene, called a reporter gene, produces a protein whose properties can be readily observed: as an enzyme that generates a highly colored material or a fluorescent protein. Using techniques developed from molecular biology, it is possible to develop a microbe that generates a visible signal, usually fluorescing bright yellow, when it comes in contact with arsenic compounds.

Genetically modified microbes were used in another recent study to develop a set of semi-quantitative assays for potable water. The investigators also developed an assay that produced a visible blue color with arsenite concentrations above 8 ppb.


- can detect arsenic down to ppb levels

-good potential for assaying arsenic


-apply only to water assays

- limited success rate

- it is not clear whether the microbes are measuring all of the arsenic in a sample or just the bioavailable arsenic.


However, far less research involving the use of plants to detect arsenic has been conducted than for the use of microbes. A strong research effort involving the study of plants that accumulate and store arsenic, primarily for the remediation of arsenic-contaminated sites, is underway. A recent study demonstrated changes in color pigmentation of two water plants upon exposure to arsenic. This effect requires an incubation period of three days and can be quantified with a series of standards. Although this is a very good “low tech” assay, it requires more study to rule out, for instance, the effect of other stresses, such as nutrient levels or microbial infection, which can generate the same pigment change as arsenic absorption.

In considering plant material for monitoring purposes it is important to reiterate that the size, shape, canopy structure and surface characteristics of the plants or plants organs used together with their degree of exposure will all contribute to the efficiency of particulate capture and retention. A further consideration is the relationship between the surface area and weight of the plant organs concerned because these will affect the expression of the results and may complicate the interpretation and comparison of data.

-its general ubiquity. Only in situations of extreme aerial contamination is vegetation likely to be sufficiently scarce to cause sampling problems.


- coloration changes in plant systems may be due to factors other than arsenic detection.

-samples may vary between general herbage of several species to leaves, whole leafy shoots and bark of single species.

A student team from the University of Edinburgh has used genetically engineered bacteria to detect arsenic in water. In combination with a drop of pH indicator (far right), samples turn red (middle) in the presence of arsenic and yellow in its absence.

For more information ,feel free to read up more on : http://www.technologyreview.com/Biotech/18103/